Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Great Cthulhu!

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

I love this surrealism, fits the great old ones well.

Do you enjoy H.P. Lovecraft? Do you wish you could read more Lovecraftian horror? Then check out HOME, coming soon to

Friday, October 22, 2010

New Prints Available

The wonderful folks over at DeviantART have an excellent printshop with hundreds of really nice options. Starting today I am proud to open my very own DA print store. THere are only a few prints available right now, very reasonably priced and they ship to almost anywhere. If there are any pictures in particular that you want as a print, just hit the request as a print option in my gallery, and I'll see what I can do.

Check it all out here:

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Portal Hub

The portal hub, a place in the space between worlds, there are several portals here leading to many unknown locations throughout the realms.


Some figure drawings from the last year, Juliet and Ira.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Home Cast Part 1

The Main Cast of the upcoming web comic HOME

Names and bios coming soon check out for more info.

I am pretty happy with the style and as of now the plan is to draw the entire comic like this. Feedback of course is always appreciated.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Its that time of year again, time to break out the carving tools a and cut up a pumpkin. (followed by baking delicious pumpkin flavored treats) So here is my delightfully creepy jack-o-lantern. The blood is made from mixing rubber cement with food coloring, it looks great, kinda like chunky blood, which looks perfect coming out of his mouth. Happy Halloween everyone!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Influence Map

I finally got around to doing this! It was very fun and definitely a journey of self discovery. The list is not in any real order, but their size does reflect their amount of influence.

if you are interested here are some explanations as to who/what all these are.

And you can find the original template here:

1. Alfonse Mucha: One of my biggest influences, the beautiful design/illustration mix has contributed to everything in my art, from the way I draw people, (especially beautiful women) to my philosophy on mixing the genres of illustration and graphic design.

2. Tara McPherson: Subject matter and style. Her creepy, slightly macabre, and yet very playful and cute style just makes me all warm inside. :D

3. Patrick Nagel: Ever since I was a kid I had a thing for Nagel's style, and not because his illustrations showed up in Playboy. The 1980's fashion, Art Nouveau influences, and graphic design/illustration mix make Nagel a more modern Mucha and, of course a huge influence.

4. Frank Lloyd Wright: When I was 4-9 years old I wanted to be an architect. During these years my number one influence was Frank Lloyd Wright. Although my focus has shifted away from all the wonderful math of architecture, I still love to draw fantastical buildings and such, and Wright still influences such drawings.

5. Charles Vess: A somewhat recent influence, Vess brought a nice take on digital painting and fantasy style to my work.

6. Pyramid Head: Really most of the Silent Hill world here, but out of it all Pyramid Head stands tall. The phycological horror that pulls from primal fears hiding in the back of your mind is what fuels the world of Silent Hill. It is this horror that inspires the thoughts of what else the darkness may be hiding, and in turn the need to render it in glorious detail, bringing the fear out of the dark to see just how horrible it really is. I just love it. :D As far as the dreaded Pyramid Head, 75% of me is terrified of him… and 25% wants to be him.

7. Alien-like Se creatures: Especially jellyfish. EVerything about them is wondrous, and through them many grand ideas have taken shape over the years.

8. H.P. Lovecraft: Horror, Insanity, etc. As it is said, there is a fine line between genius and insanity, this holds true in all of my artwork, I am never sure if I am brilliant or just crazy. Lovecraft's stories nail that essence perfectly.

9. Sandman: All of Neil Gaiman's work is wonderful and influential to me in many ways, but none as much as Sandman. I strive in my own story-telling adventures to pour as much detail and life into my characters and worlds.

10. The Knife: I choose the Knife here because they are the most recent influential source of music, but really lots more electronic music falls here. When I am stuck on something I pop on Pandora and listen to the trance inducing bips and boops of the modern electronic station. If i'm not stuck I still turn it on and just zone out, draw, and see what comes of it., always a great experience.

11. Blizzard Entertainment: Although I often hate to admit how much I play it, the Warcraft universe is one of my favorite fantasy settings. I draw so much inspiration from the world, characters, and story that I feel like I know the lore as well as the creators (a little sad, i know).

12. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Philosophy, Religion, Psychology, Deep Character Development, AND Giant Robots. What's not to love here? Definitely one of the biggest animation influences on my work. All of the above (robots the least) have factored into my work in great amounts over the years, and the remake of the series recently has once again rekindled that inspiration. (on a side note, Evangelion 2.0 You Can [Not] Advance, is quite possible the greatest animated feature I have ever seen.)

13. Loish: Since I discovered her work a few years ago it has influence nearly every single piece I have done since in one way or another. She is like Mucha on acid if he had access to Photoshop, a great combination. I only hope to be as skilled one day.

...there's no place like HOME

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Another beautiful look at some wonderful Netherhood architecture. This one of several buildings located at the campus of The Netherhood University of Art and Philosophy.

Definitely inspired by something.... but I just can't tell what...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Between Spaces

Some nice Netherhood concept art featuring a bit of the wacky architecture found therein. Yes that is water at the top and bottom.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cthulhu Witch

Some Lovecraftian armor concept art.